Articles tagged: installation

Starlink Is Now Offering Professional Installation Services

The setup process for Starlink is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is get everything out of the box, plug it in, find a clear view of the sky, and then connect to the Wifi. Now, Starlink is making it even easier. Starting initially in Ohio, Starlink will offer expert installation service for the Standard hardware on residential homes. I first saw the news while browsing a Starlink forum, and had to check it out for myself. If you browse the support section of the Starlink website, you will find an article about their expert installation service. From what …

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Setting Up The Starlink Standard Kit

Starlink Gen 3 Standard Kit

Starlink satellite internet is a game changer for people in rural areas who don’t have access to high speed broadband services. It’s also great for digital nomads, RV travelers, and other people who like to escape to remote areas, but stay connected. I’ve had Starlink for about 3 years, and it’s allowed me to do things I was never able to do before. If you are reading this, you probably just received your Starlink kit. Or maybe you are still researching Starlink, and want to know if it’s hard to set it up. I created this guide to show people …

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Starlink Standard Actuated Setup And Install Guide

I’ll start off this guide by letting you know that the hard part is already over! Waiting to get your Starlink dish is the most difficult part of setting it up, for sure. But now that you’ve been able to order your dish, it’s important to know how to properly assemble and set it up. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an IT expert to get it up and running! Installing Starlink internet is straightforward and can be completed in just a few steps. In this guide, I will walk you through the steps required to get your new …

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Starlink Mounting Options – A guide to official and DIY mounts

Starlink Gen 3 Ridgeline Mount

The standard base that comes with every Starlink dish isn’t going to be a permanent solution for most people. If you plan to install Starlink on your roof, it’s best to get a mount designed for that purpose. Ultimately, how you end up mounting your dish will depend on many factors, including obstructions, roof type/angle, and budget. In this guide, I will walk you through various Starlink mounting options. I’ve tested and reviewed most of the mounts in this guide. I’ll cover different types, including the official Starlink products. I will also recommend some aftermarket mounts. By the end, you …

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