Starlink Removes 1TB Soft Data Cap For Residential Users

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The Starlink website is busy with change this afternoon. I have several important changes to go over in this post, and expect existing informational posts to be updated later this week.

The 1TB soft data cap is gone

Let’s start off with the big news that Residential Starlink customers no longer have to worry about the 1TB soft data cap. In the revised Fair Use Policy, Starlink describes Residential service as the ‘Standard’ service plan:

The Standard Service Plan assigns an unlimited amount of “Standard” data each month to customers.

Starlink Fair Use Policy (US version)

Previously, an allotment of 1TB of ‘Priority Access’ data was given to Residential customers each month. After hitting that soft data cap, users were downgraded to ‘Basic Data’. They shared priority with Best Effort and Roam users on the lowest level until the next billing cycle.

You no longer have to worry about how much data you are using each month, according to these new changes. If you look at the data usage graph in the Starlink app or on your account dashboard, you will notice the limit is gone, and it no longer references Priority Access data.

New service plan priority names

Starlink has created an additional tier of data priority. In short, the levels are:

  1. Priority/Mobile Priority
  2. Standard
  3. Mobile

Customers selecting the Business, Mobility, or Maritime plans will all have the #1 network priority over all other Starlink customers. Residential customers in the #2 Standard priority will continue to have priority over Roam and Best Effort users.

Speaking of Best Effort and Roam users, their data priority will now be known as ‘Mobile‘. It looks like the Roam branding is sticking around on the Starlink website, but they have changed how they describe the various levels of data prioritization.

Check out our guide on the types of Starlink data.

In-motion use now requires Mobile Priority data

Another big change to the Fair Use Policy and Terms of Service: In-motion use is only supported when using Mobile Priority data. The Flat High Performance hardware remains the only hardware that supports in-motion use.

In other words, customers with the $150/month Roam plan will not be able to use their dish in-motion unless they purchase additional Mobile Priority data. Here is what the Starlink Terms of Service states:

Mobile Service cannot be used on the ocean or in-motion without purchasing additional Mobile Priority Service data.

Starlink Terms of Service (US version)

Customers on the Regional or Global Roam plans (aka Mobile now) wishing to use services in-motion will need to either upgrade to the $250/month Mobile Priority plan, or purchase Mobile Priority data by the GB on their existing Mobile plan.

Opting to purchase data by the GB on the Mobile plan will cost $2/GB, to enable in-motion use for the Flat High Performance hardware.

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26 thoughts on “Starlink Removes 1TB Soft Data Cap For Residential Users”

  1. Thank You SpaceX! People with rural homes, especially those trying to run businesses, need this service to remain unlimited at full speed. It is the ONLY viable option in probably 80% of the geographic US. I was very frustrated as they began the throttling policy less than one month after I began service having waited almost 2 years and spending over $1000USD on equipment and installation! I am very pleasantly surprised that both enough people spoke up and the company actually did the right thing and listened! (presumably because it was decided to be better for their profit and/or reputation but, whatever. There are certainly much worse companies)

  2. Interestingly it has changed for the UK tho I do think the soft cap wasn’t really a thing in the UK. I say interestingly because we just had 3 tariffs I think. Standard, business, and Roam. Now there is a multitude of tariffs now, tho mainly a number of very expensive business rates.

  3. This is great information, Noah. Thank you.

    We are new to the Starlink family, having bought the package and Mobile plan because we’re digital nomads.

    We’re currently in an RV so everything is great with Starlink service, etc. However, we’ll be splitting our time between living on our boat and in the RV soon, so we’re wondering about what Starlink considers to me “in-motion” service.

    Our normal cruising for the next few years will be in inland rivers and coastal regions of the US and Canada, and we usually travel at less than 10 miles-per-hour.

    Is under 10 mph considered “mobile” by Starlink?

    Also, do we have to upgrade our equipment if we decide to spring for the extra hundred bucks for Mobile Priority?

    Thank you for helping me wrap my brain around these changing plans and products.


    • I believe Starlink will disconnect the Standard dish at speeds above 10 mph, so that is what they consider in-motion. The recommended hardware for the Mobile Priority plan is the Flat High Performance dish, because it is the only in-motion enabled hardware.

  4. HI, So all this information is nice, but there was not enough to actually understand what effects these changes has on a particular package. I have what was RV and now I guess it is called Roaming (not sure as now there are so many names). So I am putting along in my RV and I park at a campground or boon docking and set up the starlink. Before I got x amount of service and with the new changes what am I going to get? Less, more or the same. For those of use who are happy with what we have do we have to do anything to maintain that same level of service or do we win or loose on the deal?

    • For the vast majority of customers, nothing has changed. If you have Roam (RV), and don’t need in-motion use, nothing has changed. You still get an unlimited amount of data (now called Mobile data, previously called Basic Data). You are also still at the same priority level when it comes to access on the Starlink network. Mobile will have the lowest priority, meaning slowest speeds during network congestion.

      Besides the name changes, the two new things are:

      1. No 1TB soft data cap for Residential users

      2. A new type of data, ‘Mobile Priority’ was introduced. It allows mobile users to access the higher priority data and use Starlink in-motion. Regular Roam users can also pay per GB to access Mobile Priority data if they wish

      • @Noah , You contents are very helpful. You’re doing a great job.

        Please I will like to know if there is any difference between business priority 1 and 2 in terms of numbers of users they can conveniently accommodate without slowing down the internet speed .

        Thanks as i anticipate you response.

  5. Noah
    Love the info you are supplying and thanks for providing this. I have a couple of clarifying questions based on this and your update last week. I have been on wait list since Feb 2021 despite some neighbors in same hexagon reapplying and being offered Best Effort. When I go to sign up (new) I am presented expected availability in 2023 (of course I’ve seen this moving target before!); along with alt for Roam service immediately available. I am looking for service at my residence only.

    • What is the cost and approach available to me today to service resulting in Residential (w/ Standard data priority and residential rate)?
    • Assuming I went forward and purchased, and another service priority builds out fiber near my rural home in a year, what are the typical amounts people are able to transfer and sell their account and hardware to others these days (based on new models and well cared for dishes)?

    Thanks so much!

    • You could order Roam today and convert it to Residential. It will take about a month since Residential would start on the first day of the new billing cycle. But Roam will work fine at your home until your account converts.

      I’m seeing used equipment go for a wide range, usually between $300-$400. I believe Starlink also offers a credit for used equipment returned outside the 30 day return window, that decreases the further you get away from the purchase date. That’s also an option if you don’t want to deal with the used market.

      • Noah
        Thanks for the response, and removing the moron whose anti-Starlink/Elon post was displayed ;).

        I have one follow up question as I’ve become confused from various posts on facebook, etc.
        Is the now current data prioritization:
        Residential = basic data aka prioritized at high speed
        Roam = prioritized at higher level than basic data high speed

        or am I completely off on both?


        • Noah
          Sorry for the last question. I re-read the chart supplied above again and realize Roam is priority level 3 while residential is priority level 2. Interesting in that you pay more for Roam but get lower priority ;). And now with the option to convert to Residential right after, I guess the only thing is that you must remain in same location or Residential might stop working?
          I’m not planning on moving it but that sounds like the direction.

          Also, IF I go ahead and order the service and hardware at Roam level/pricing, once I complete my purchase, or once I receive my hardware delivery – do I get offered the switch to residential ability?

          • Switching between Roam and Residential is still up in the air. Starlink did put the option on the account dashboard, but now there is a question of whether it actually works, or if they accidentally added the feature before it was ready. One of my Roam accounts is set to convert on the 18th so I will have confirmation at that point, but for now I’m just going off of other reports online. Some say it worked to convert, others say it just gives an error message.

            Yes as I understand the conversion, it uses your dish GPS location to determine which service address you get. So you would need your dish installed at the service address before converting to make sure it worked properly.

          • Noah
            I hear ya that the 18th will be a proof day. After explaining this to my wife, she asked the obvious question – Why don’t they just sell it as Residential if they offer you this “path”? Not sure if you have insight?

            Btw, I am asking certain questions because I am trying to find the timeline for my local Electric Coop who is building out Fiber-to-the-home. Yes I am VERY fortunate this will come to my rural location but remain unsure whether that will be available to me in early 2024 or as late as late 2025. Without even considering the money back when selling the unit, my ROI is basically 9 months when comparing the Residential monthly plus hardware-delivered against my current $200/mo 25Mbps/5Mbps service which goes up and down way too often.

            Very anxious to see yours and others proving out your approach 🙂 !

          • Noah, as today is the 18th did that Roam account switch to Residential today from Roam?
            Thanks, Jordan

          • Just checked again, all my Mobile accounts were switched to Standard successfully. Looks like they closed the loophole now, but I got through since I initiated the change almost immediately after they made the change to allow it.

            Doesn’t really help anyone now, but it was an interesting experiment to see if it would work. I’m surprised they didn’t fully test the original conversion tool before launching it.

          • Noah
            Thanks for getting back to me on this. But I’m unsure whether you are saying what you reported (Open new account Roam, then request switch to Res or Standard) worked for you but now is not available to others? Or something else?

          • It’s not available anymore, the conversion system has since been patched. The first day it launched and I was checking it out, I noticed it allowed me to convert my Roam accounts to Residential, even though my area is waitlisted. It was unclear at the time whether this was intentional by Starlink (to eventually eliminate the waitlist) or was just a bug. Turns out, it was just a bug, and has since now been fixed. Now if you try to convert to a waitlisted address, it just gives you an error. Some of us, who were early to switch before it was patched, were able to convert and take advantage of the bug.

          • DANG! I wish I would’ve tried myself and made it through before fixed – bummer!
            Appreciate you sharing all this info!

        • There are now 4 levels of data, and this is the order of priority, from highest to lowest (2 of them are equal in the #1 spot):

          1. Priority and Mobile Priority – Business, Mobility, and Maritime
          2. Standard – Residential
          3. Mobile – Roam and Best Effort

          So basically everything remains the same as far as priority goes. The difference now is the addition of Mobile Priority. Maritime and Roam users who upgrade their data to Mobile Priority will have higher priority over Standard Residential users. Since Mobile Priority data is expensive, I don’t think many people on land will consider this option, it will mainly be ships on the ocean that are using Mobile Priority data.

          I am working on a post that outlines all the data types to hopefully help answer questions. I’m still wrapping my head around the changes as well!

          • Hi Noah,
            I occasionally get slower speeded intermittently during the day and especially in the evening. I’m on the standard service, does stepping up to the $250 plan theoretically get me higher speed and more consistent service?

          • Theoretically, yes, since you’ll have network priority over all Standard data users. Starlink recommends the High Performance dish when upgrading to the Priority/Business plan.

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