Starlink Donation System Is Now Live

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Starlink quietly rolled out a new page on their website that allows anyone to donate Starlink service to communities or organizations in need. The page, Donate A Starlink, allows you to give money to Starlink to use on your behalf. Your donation will be applied to the areas of greatest need, as determined by Starlink. The categories of need are: education, telehealth, emergency response and humanitarian efforts.

This new donation feature was highly requested. When the war in Ukraine broke out, Starlink stepped in to provide communication services. Many people were wondering how they could donate Starlink units to those in need. Previously, all arrangements were handled on a case-by-case basis with Starlink. Now anyone can donate to help with communication services for communities in need.

How can I donate?

You can donate a Starlink in two ways:

Donate To A Starlink Cause – Starlink will use your monetary donation to provide services for the cause you select. Starlink chooses the recipient based on the greatest need at the time. While Starlink will try to honor your cause selection, it isn’t guaranteed.

Donate Starlink RV To An Organization Of Your Choice – You can order Starlink RV directly from the website and send it to an individual or organization of your choice. Make sure to check the Starlink RV coverage map to be sure you are sending the dish to a serviceable area.

How much can I donate?

If you choose to donate directly to Starlink, you have a choice between three amounts:

  • $1,919.00 – Starlink kit + 1 year of service
  • $3,239.00 – Starlink kit + 2 years of service
  • $4,559.00 – Starlink kit + 3 years of service

Buying Starlink RV and donating to an organization of your choice will be $599 for the Starlink hardware, and then $135 for each month that you would like to provide service for.

Where does the money go?

Starlink has identified four causes that donations will be applied to. The specific organizations or communities that receive the Starlink hardware will be determined by Starlink. The four causes are:


Starlink for schools not only impacts students and teachers, but also enables access to essential online services and resources for rural communities that have historically gone unserved by traditional internet service providers.

Starlink is aiming to connect more than 500,000 students globally in 2023.



Starlink enables remote access to healthcare and medical services for patients in underserved areas. These services became even more critical during the Covid-19 pandemic.

From mobile pop-up clinics to virtual doctors’ visits, Starlink enables health care access where it is needed most.


Emergency Response

Without the bounds of traditional ground infrastructure, Starlink can be deployed in a matter of minutes to support emergency responders in disaster scenarios.

From hurricanes to fires to flooding and more, the Starlink team is proud to support and prioritize service for emergency responders around the globe.


Humanitarian Efforts

In times of conflict or crisis, access to a reliable internet connection is critical to connecting loved ones, alleviating suffering and saving lives. The Starlink team is proud to support humanitarian efforts in places like Ukraine, Tonga and wherever connectivity can have a significant impact to the well-being of communities in need.


Are donations tax deductable?

No, donations made directly to Starlink are not tax deductible because Starlink isn’t a non-profit.

If you purchase Starlink RV and donate the hardware to a non-profit, that could be tax deductible. Consult your tax professional for guidance.

Who holds Starlink accountable for these donations?

Starlink has said they will release an annual report, detailing where exactly the donation money goes. We assume this will include the specific organizations that receive Starlink hardware. We also assume any administrative costs will be broken down in that annual report.

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1 thought on “Starlink Donation System Is Now Live”

  1. Aloha,
    How can our 501c3 non-profit called Aloha in Action Inc. get on the list of donations for a starlink technology. One of our office’s locations is very remote. We are located on the island of Maui, and this is all part of the recovery and relief efforts of Aloha in Action.

    Mahalo nūnui, (thank you, hugely)
    Maydeen ‘Īao


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