Articles tagged: j mount

Guide To Using A J-Mount With Starlink

Starlink Gen 1 dish

J-mounts are commonly used for mounting satellite dishes, antennas, and other communication equipment. They can be secured to many types of surfaces, and in a variety of angles and configurations. Since they are available on the market from many different manufacturers and in different sizes, they are a great option for mounting a Starlink dish to your roof, eave, or wall. The versatility of J-mount’s is great, but value is where this Starlink mounting solution stands out. Comparable mounts from the Starlink store can cost twice as much as the aftermarket options I will present in this guide. I will …

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Starlink Mounting Options – Guide To Official And Aftermarket Mounts

The standard base that comes with every Starlink kit is not going to be a permanent solution for most people. If you plan to install the Starlink dish on your roof, it’s best to get a mount designed for that purpose. Ultimately, how you end up mounting your dish will depend on many factors, including obstructions, roof type/angle, and budget. In this guide, I will walk you through various Starlink mounting options. I will cover all types of mounts, including official Starlink products. I will also recommend some aftermarket mounting accessories. By the end, you should have a good idea …

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